Refund policy

Refund policy

Return Requirements:
To qualify for return and exchange, the following conditions should be met:
1.The product received does not match the order
2.The product received is not brand new or not working properly.
3.The returned product is free of artificial damage.
4.The returned product was purchased directly from

If you meet any of the above terms, you may contact us for a return or exchange. We hope that every order is traded in good faith, and we resist any fraudulent transactions. A decision will be made after we investigate the return request. Approved orders will be refunded immediately or replaced with a new product.The resulting shipping costs shall be borne by OTDR Launch Fiber.

Refund Requirements:
1)Transaction taxes and fees arising from payments and refunds shall be borne by the buyer and the seller at 50% each.
2)If the goods have been handed over to the logistics carrier, but the buyer has not received the product and asks for a refund, he shall bear all the shipping costs for the delivery of the goods.(Buyers are not responsible for this shipping fees if the shipping time is longer than the seller claims.)
Note:Please read the logistics policy carefully before placing an order. If there is a requirement for the delivery time, please choose the Expedited Shipping and pay the extra shipping fees. Otherwise, please do not place an order.

Standard Return Policy
1) Return for refund within: 60 days
2) Return for replacement within: 60 days
3)We will still provide after-sales service for products beyond the return period.
Note: In order to reduce returns and exchanges caused by purchasing the wrong product, we hope that you will carefully check the product model and quantity when purchasing.

OTDR Launch Fiber reserves the right of final interpretation.